Deposit Rates

Share Accounts

Type Avg Daily Balance
Minimum Required for Dividend
Dividend Rate APY**
Regular $20.00 0.400% 0.400%
Escrow $20.00 0.400% 0.400%
Checking $0.01 0.100% 0.100%
IRA $5.00 0.400% 0.400%
Roth IRA $5.00 0.400% 0.400%
Christmas Club $20.00 0.400% 0.400%
Vacation Club $20.00 0.400% 0.400%

Share rates are anticipated each quarter and are subject to revision by the Board of Directors.
Dividends are calculated by the average daily balance method, which applies a periodic rate to the average daily balance in the account for the period.

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield


Type Term Dividend Rate APY**
Share Certificate 6 Months 4.038% 4.10%
1 Year 4.087% 4.15%
2 Years 3.698% 3.75%
3 Years 3.455% 3.50%
4 Years 3.260% 3.30%
5 Years 3.309% 3.35%
Type Term Dividend Rate APY**
IRA Certificate
(Traditional or Roth)
6 Months 4.038% 4.10%
1 Year 4.087% 4.15%
2 Years 3.698% 3.75%
3 Years 3.455% 3.50%
4 Years 3.260% 3.30%
5 Years 3.309% 3.35%

$500 minimum deposit
Early Withdrawal penalty: For 6 mo and 1 year Certificate is 30 days of dividends earned or all dividends earned, whichever is least.
Early Withdrawal penalty: For 2-5 year Certificates is 90 days dividends or all dividends earned, whichever is least.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield